Diabetic Foot Conditions & Care

Dyker Park FootCare, PLLC - Brooklyn Podiatrists, Diabetic Foot Doctors, Neuropathy Pain Specialists

Are You Living With Diabetes?

Get foot examinations in order to maintain healthy feet and healthier future.

Diabetes has become an epidemic in this country. If you have diabetes it is essential that you have your feet evaluated by a podiatrist. Diabetics are prone to poor circulation, have a weakened immune system and impaired nerve function in their feet.

Due to poor circulation or lack of sensation after poor circulation, diabetic feet are more susceptible to developing sores, and non-healing wounds which may lead to ulcers. These wounds can also develop into serious infections which can lead to amputations, loss of limbs and even loss of life.

With diabetes, you also have a good chance of developing peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms of neuropathy can be pain, numbness, tingling and burning sensation in your feet. We recommend that you come in for a comprehensive diabetic foot evaluation. We will use the latest technology to test and assess the circulation to your feet, and determine if you have peripheral neuropathy. Once the evaluation is complete, We will design a treatment plan specifically for you.

If you're a diabetic, book an appointment with Dyker Park Footcare. Our trusted Podiatrists can provide you with the care you'll need to minimize possible complications.

Neuropathy Pain Management

Dyker Park Footcare provides a neuropathy/nerve pain treatment plan focused just on you!

Do your feet feel numb, do they tingle, are they burning? Are you experiencing shooting pains, a loss of balance or the feeling that your sock is rolled up under your toes? If so, you may have peripheral neuropathy. There are over 100 known causes of peripheral neuropathy and you may be especially prone to developing this condition if you are a diabetic.

At Dyker Park Footcare, we can perform a simple skin biopsy in which we will determine the concentration of small nerve fibers in your lower extremity. This allows us to diagnose and effectively treat your condition.

Treatment for peripheral neuropathy includes nutritional supplements, prescription medications, injection therapy and in some cases surgical procedures to release swollen and compressed nerves.

So, if you're experiencing any of these symptoms or have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is essential that you schedule an appointment with Dyker Park Footcare as soon as possible.